This, however, being one of the strongest suits of their creation, is what THQ has decided is the best avenue through which to completely arse their game up. With these aforementioned dunces releasing their constant aforementioned DLC, the game has become ridiculously cluttered. Not only are the character selection screens becoming larger and more complicated than WWE programming’s various plot holes, it becomes swiftly apparent that these ‘new playable characters’ are were actually already on the game. Aside from two or three new moves, the downloadable ‘Ryback’ appears to be nothing more than the already playable ‘Brock Lesnar’ wearing another man’s skin. Which, aside from painting a fairly gruesome image, takes away from the diversity which I was beginning to adore so much in WWE ‘13. The attention to detail with character design seems to have been thrown out of the window as well, with developers hurriedly cobbling together characters that will draw more money at the last possible second.